Brands and Products

Industrial products

We are one of the leading importers and distributors in bearing, transmission and industrial seal business in Finland. Our product portfolio includes the range of brands that supports the mutual target to improve profitability the best possible way. At bearing applications, we offer the famous brands – both on premium and standard level. In transmission, we have a wide range of products for belt and chain drives and conveying equipment. We have a long-term experience together with the most high-quality brand names in challenging sealing arrangements for industrial purposes. Read more about Synergia services globally.

Some of the brands we represent in our Industrial Division:

HL Group is a member of EPTDA

HL Group Oy has been a member of EPTDA (the European Power Transmission Distributors Association) since 2011. Read more about EPTDA.

Automotive spare parts

Our comprehensive selection of automotive products includes service and repair parts as well as accessories. The range of products is expanded continually to meet our customers’ needs. The brands we represent are high-quality products from leading spare part manufacturers. Read more about wholesale business in Finland.

Some of the brands we represent in our Automotive Division:

HL Group is a member of Nexus network

NEXUS Automotive International SA is an innovative, value-focused global alliance of “Automotive Aftermarket Leaders”. Read more about Nexus network.

Automotive and industrial paints

In paint products, we offer a comprehensive solution to meet the requirements of car paint shops and industrial painting. The range of products includes Cromax and Standox car paints and Percotop industrial paints that represent the latest technology. In addition, we offer a full selection of non-paint products needed in painting: spray booths as well as machines and equipment. Read more about wholesale business in Finland.